On farm support for SEAPA farmers in USA
June 27, 2018
SEAPA continues to work on products and systems adaptable to French farming environment.
September 21, 2018Japanese Farmers Experiencing Tasmania’s Innovative Oyster Growing Systems

Team SEAPA recently hosted five Japanese delegates from various regions of Japan, during a trip to Tasmania to showcase Australian innovative oyster farmers using SEAPA products and systems that are consistently growing high-quality oysters.
The delegation included oyster farmers and industry influencers and visited 4 oyster farms, making introductions to leading oyster farmers across subtidal and intertidal farming systems, allowing us to offer a diverse understanding of different systems and an opportunity to experience the high-quality oysters that these world-class oyster farmers have to offer.
SEAPA appreciates any opportunity to raise the profile of Australian single seed culture methods through these visits to experienced oyster farmers, as well as, showcasing Australian food culture and farming methods. To develop depth of understanding in the supply chain.
“This is my second time to visit Tasmanian farmers and have learnt a lot more details of practices of advanced farming. Understanding the industry in Australia faces serious issues, I am impressed by farmers’ energy and positive attitude for recovery.” Mr Isao Kimura.
This was a great opportunity to network with these farmers, and for SEAPA to continue to learn more about the Japanese oyster industry. We hope to further develop relationships with the Japanese oyster industry and educate these farmers on our products and systems for them to take the knowledge back to Japan.